dilluns, 14 de desembre del 2015


ALDERSSON,Brian:El Geperut i altres contes de(Les mil i una nits) Vicens Vives,Cucanya. Barcelona 2000 c 2003.

Resultado de imagen de les mili una nits el geperut

A mi m' ha agradat el capítol de Un Preu Just: Perque dos senyors li volen fer una broma a un pagès i la broma es que li treuen el ase i un dels senyors diu que es el ase, i el pagès s'ho creu.
I quan el pagès arriba a casa la seva dona li diu que vagi a el marcat a comprar un altre ase.Ell quan arriba veu a el ase d' ell i li susurra a l' orella, i al final compra un' altre.

dijous, 10 de desembre del 2015


LAIDLAW,Caroline:Countdown To Midnight Heinemann. New Wave. Oxford, 1988 c.

Resultado de imagen de countdown laidlaw

My favourite character is Bob. He 's tall, he drives the car, he's nice and thin, he has got straight hair, he's clever.,young, hard-working, great and good looking.

In the story there is a boy. His name is Joe.One day his father is driving the car with his friend. They eat in the kitchen. At night , Joe sees his father in the computer and also he's moving he satellites. His father laves one note on the table. Joe and his friends find the puzzle (message). Bob and Joe, Maggie, Andy.Surf to the island. Joe and his friends save his father and give home to save the planet.

Resultado de imagen de countdown to midnight

GARCÍA,Retuerta, Carlos: Roger AX La divertida historia del futbol. Alfaguara. Alfaguara Juvenil, Madrid, 2006 c 2008.
Resultado de imagen de roger ax